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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Great News!!

We received great news this AM.....the daycare provider we were hoping for has accepted us!  She is a great lady and lives super close.  Our baby will be her 5th and last child that she will be watching so our baby will get lots of attention and still have friends to play with.  The bonus?  She lives 1.7 miles away! 

More on Baby R to come soon!  

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Week 21

Last week was week 21 of Baby R's life.  We finally had our ultrasound and got to meet it!!  My favorite part was watching a leg or an arm on the ultrasound screen move around and feel it at the same time.  It made it feel so real!!  My least favorite part of the ultrasound was when the Dr. told us they found an echogenic focus on the baby's left ventricle of the heart.  Apparently this is a soft marker for Downs Syndrome.  The Dr did a thorough ultrasound and showed us that all the other markers for Downs were not present and that the chance our baby has Downs is around .1%.  So a small freakout session was had by me at this time!!  Now that a week has passed and I have had some time to research it and pray about it I feel 100% better than I did last Friday when we first found out.  Most of the stuff I have found online says that most babies born with an echogenic focus are totally healthy, normal babies.  Here is a link with more info:


Anyways, I like to focus on the fact that Baby R is super cute and looks like Brian!!  Only 130ish more days until we will be formally introduced!! 

Isn't this the cutest baby ever?!  I can't wait to snuggle with it!!!  And no, we definitely don't know if it is a HE or a SHE.  My gut feeling is still boy though!!