Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, January 18, 2013

2 month shots

Sydney got 3 shots today and also had to take another vaccine orally. She slurped the oral one right down, the shots she was also a champ at! She cried a little bit but then fell right asleep! This afternoon she was a little cranky, right when Stephen and Vanessa stopped over for a visit!

She is 11 pounds 14.5 ounces (70 percentile) and 22.5 inches (50 percentile) she is a growing girl!


This is just a test to see if I can post from my new blogger phone app!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

More Pics

Finally got some pictures to upload.
 Sydney and I went for a walk to test out our new stroller...she loved it!  Slept the whole time. 
 Tummy time on the boppy pillow....she is so strong!!
 Playing with more toys.
I don't know why but this picture will only post upside down.  I took Sydney to Jenn's house to visit her twins...Sydney was a giant compared to them....what a difference 4 weeks makes! 

Funny Video

I managed to capture this little gem on video...Sydney may not be able to talk yet but she sure does understand us.  Enjoy!!!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Sydney's 2nd month

Today we have hit the 8 week mark!  I can't believe Sydney has been with us for 8 weeks already, the time has flown by!  She is such a good baby, I can't believe how fortunate Brian and I are to have her!  Here is what we have been up to the last 4 weeks...

 Mid morning naps in mom and dad's bed....the only time she gets to sleep in our room!
 just hanging out and being cute!
 Trying out the bumbo.....still a little too young but won't be long and she can sit in there herself!
 Discovering new toys....I can put them in her hand and she will hold them for a little bit!  She loves to lay on the floor and look at her toys, she can lay there for about an hour and be happy!
Nakey time!!  she loves being naked so I let her hang out naked from time to time!

I have more pictures but for some reason they won't upload.  I'll try again to post them.