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Sunday, March 23, 2014

Big girl cup

Lately Sydney has been insisting on drinking out of a big girl cup instead of a sippy cup. I will pour a little bit of milk in her cup at a time and she will drink it really nice!  I never know when she is done being thirsty so we know when to stop when she will drink the milk and then let it dribble out down her front.  She is growing up so fast! 

Fun in a fort

We are soooo sick of being stuck inside this winter.  Sydney will stand at the patio door and whine to go outside! We can't wait for warm weather.  We are trying to find new fun things to keep Sydney occupied until the weather warms up, so today we built a fort.  It worked!  She played so nice in her fort for about an hour, and she laughed almost the entire time!  It was adorable and a nice break for all of us.  

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Recent Happenings

Life has been pretty slow around the Reimer household lately.  But here is what has been happening these cold weeks:  

Meeting new friends.  This is Brian's friend Jerry and his daughter Rilynn.  Rilynn is 6 weeks older than Sydney and they loved each other!  Surprisingly, Sydney also really liked Jerry!  

I have discovered that Sydney loves to help in the kitchen!  She loves to help me "stir" and she loves to "wash dishes"  Both are a huge mess but make her smile and giggle like no tomorrow.  I love her help!  

Sydney loves to color.  She takes the box of crayons and dumps them all out!  then she will scribble for a while.  We know it is time for her to be done coloring when she starts eating the crayons.  

One night I made Sydney a cold meat sandwich.  She WOULD NOT even touch it!  This is Brian trying to bargain with her.  Guess who won?  Sydney ended up eating chicken noodle soup instead.  

This little girl is getting so good at brushing her own teeth!  She especially likes to run the toothbrush under the water and then suck the water out of the brush.  Don't worry, mama always goes in for a cleanup after she is done.  

Yummy ice cream for dessert!  Sydney has quite the sweet tooth and Brian and I don't have a clue who she got that from!  haha  She does enjoy herself a good cookie or ice cream after supper.  

Sydney LOVES to play in my closet.  It is so cute, she will browse through my clothes like she is shopping, and likes to walk around the house in my shoes.  

Naughty baby!  Sydney loves to stand in her rocking chair and this is how she earned her first ever spankings!  (pretty sure she didn't even feel them!)  

Sydney has been cutting her molars.  This means she doesn't sleep during the night.  I put her in the car in the morning and she zonks right out!  I can't wait for the last 2 molars to poke through...we are halfway there!  

This week was rough at our house.  I got the flu and strep throat all in one day.  Brian had a bad cold, Sydney was still not sleeping because of her teeth, and then she snagged a small cold off of Brian.  We need a break!  I broke out this toy kitchen out of my toy reserves closet and Sydney loved it!  It was a good distraction for her to play with a "new" toy while Brian and I weren't feeling 100%.  It kept her occupied for probably 45 minutes!  

Val came to visit us!  At first Sydney was a little reserved, but by the time Val was getting ready to leave Sydney was following her around and begging Val to hold her!  It was pretty adorable!  

I would like to thank Mike for inspiring this post.