Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Cookie Monster!

Sydney is learning from her dad how do eat milk and cookies!  
So proud of her new skills!
So delicious!  

There were so many crumbs on the floor that I made her sweep! 

She is a good little helper!

Also, when I got home from the gym she was infatuated with my head band to the point of where she needed to wear one too! 

Sunday, April 13, 2014


I think all kids must do this huh?

Wasn't me mom!!

Easter Egg Hunt in Chancellor

Sydney and I had a big day on Saturday.  First we went to Chancellor for the Easter Egg Hunt in the park!  It was a gorgeous day for it!  

Not so sure about this Grandma...

thinking about giving him a five....

OK fine.  

When does the hunt start?  Let me at that candy!!

Getting a head start in front of the other kids.  

Let's load up my bucket!!

I like this one mom!  

Look how full my bucket is mom!!  

Sydney and her cousins with all their loot.  

Later that day we went to the Plucker farm so Sydney could see the animals.  She LOVED the chickens!!  

She also liked the kitty and the dog.  We also went and jumped on the trampoline at the Temme house but I didn't get any pictures because there was too much action!  she loved the trampoline so much!!  

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Spring is here!!

Spring is finally here!  I noticed some green sprouts poking through my flowers beds....awesome!  Springtime means that we can get out of the house finally and expend some of our pent up energy!  

Spring also means piggy tails!  Sydney's hair is finally long enough!  Can't wait until it grows a little bit longer for a real ponytail!  

Aren't her piggy tails so cute?!

Sunday was an absolutely beautiful day.  The sun was shining and the wind was not blowing!  We spent the entire day outside.  Sydney helped Brian wash the cars.  She made a mess!  also...she didn't actually ever get the rag on a vehicle, she mostly washed the driveway.  But she had fun doing it!  

Splashing around in dirty water.  

We also washed Sydney's vehicles!  She loved getting in and out of her cozy coupe.  

In and out, in and out.  over and over and over!  

She did this for so long that she was 45 minutes late for her lunch.  Anyone who knows Sydney knows that she doesn't show up late for a meal!  That's how much she was enjoying her time outside.  

Then she decided to help Brian sweep out the garage.  

Oh no, got her hands all dirty!  This ended the garage fun and landed her back in the house to get cleaned up.  

Getting changed into a new set of clean clothes....this is how hard she is to change these days...she doesn't lay still.  Brian had to wrestle her just to get her socks on!  

Back outside after lunch and nap.  This time riding her Barbie car.   This car has a button you can push and it goes by itself.  Sydney LOVES this car.  it is basically a 4 wheeler for little girls.  I saw her give herself whiplash probably 3 or 4 times!  

Back in the cozy coupe for some more driving action.  

We also did some sidewalk chalk and blew bubbles!  

This is how Sydney liked to ride in the stroller while we were on our walk!