Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

33 weeks

Today marks 33 weeks of pregnancy.  49 days left until my due date.  83% complete with this pregnancy.  It can't come soon enough!  Last night I thought I was in labor.  The baby I swear was burrowing down trying to get out, my stomach was hard as a rock, and my lower back hurt so bad!  Nothing was working to get comfortable.  I took a hot shower and went to bed.  Today my back is achy but I think that is normal.  I have a feeling that this baby will not be overdue.  We'll see! 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Sydney is 2!!

Our baby girl is growing up and is 2 years old!  We celebrated her big day with family at our house.  She had so much fun.  Here are some pictures. 
Such a big girl!  She loved her streamers again this year. 

Eating lunch with JoJo and Alia. 

Her cake...yummy! 
Gotta have a pic with mom and dad!  She was more interested in snitching frosting off the cake.

still trying to snitch frosting!



Licking the icing.


She blew out her candles so good!

picture with her cousins.

She really got into opening presents this year!

Big Hugs Elmo kind of scared her a bit.  We are still trying to get her to give him hugs!

Sydney and Great Grandma Mari

Sydney and Great Grandma Bert

Sydney and Gama and Gapa Plucker

Sunday night Sydney helped me "decorate" cupcakes to bring to daycare.  She mostly ate the sprinkles. 

don't even try to hide it, I see the sprinkles on your mouth and hands!

This is a picture that I got from her daycare provider...she was treated like a princess on her birthday and was so happy! 

Thursday, November 6, 2014


Trick or Treat!  Sydney had so much fun practicing in our living room the minutes before we left the house.  

Trick or treating in our neighborhood.  She would go mute the minute the door was opened, but would always grab candy if they held their bowl out.  She wouldn't say thank you either.  Then they would shut the door and as we were walking away she would jabber away about candy, and trick or treat.  frustrating!  but she got lots of compliments on how cute she was and no one seemed to mind that she wouldn't speak! 

She wouldn't even say trick or treat at grandma and grandpa's house!  But she loved it there!

grabbing candy for her bucket.  grandma gave her a bag of sour gummy worms that she begs to eat almost every night after supper! 

Stopped by great grandma bert's house too!  Sydney got loaded up on unhealthy treats and healthy snacks here.  She also had a lot of fun playing with GG Bert's singing scarecrow.  Sydney LOVES scarecrows for some reason! 

The nightly event of picking out her after supper treat.  It's so hard for her to pick just one!  after she is done she always tries to sneak one more piece of candy out of us.  Usually she is pretty successful...she is so hard to say no to....especially when she knows to say "please!"

After trick or treating on halloween night. She had to sit on the stairs and look in her bucket.  she found some smarties so we didn't even make it all the way inside before she started eating her candy....someone has a MAJOR sweet tooth!  can't blame her...she got some good stuff! 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

30 weeks

Time to start the 2 hand countdown!!  10 weeks left and Sydney is super happy!  (Must be the Halloween candy)

She is trying to stick her belly out like mine.