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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

35 weeks

Today marks 35 weeks pregnant and 35 days until my due date!  My next appt is one week from today and then I go every week from here on out.  I can't believe how fast this is all happening.  88% done being pregnant!  As fast as it has gone, I can't wait for the baby to be here...I feel so uncomfortable all of the time, I'm ready for a normal body again!  And....I can't wait to go shopping!!  Sorry Brian :)

Friday, December 5, 2014

34 weeks

We are at the 34 week mark!!  

Getting very large.  it is hard to see but my stretch marks above my belly button from Sydney are very noticeable and stretched out :)  No new stretch  marks with baby #2 yet though.  No black line down the middle yet either!  And I think my belly button has officially popped!