Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Keegan's First Month

Time with Keegan is going so fast!  Today he is 7 weeks old.  Here is what we have been up to.  

Lots of snuggles!  

Dad's first bottle to Keegan

Chillin' in his hoppy!  

Gotta do that tummy time!  He's not a big fan yet :) 

Big boy is one month old!  

Sydney wanted Elmo in the picture :) 

More snuggles.  Sydney still loves Keegan so much!  

Keegan hangs out in the rock and play while mommy showers.  He's pretty good at hanging out awake, but most of the time the sound of the shower lulls him to sleep in there.  

Making big messes!  Keegan is good at being a gross boy!  

It is a rare moment where he is laid on the floor!  

Chillin with big sister!  He seems so big until Sydney comes around!  

Giving Keegan kisses is a regular part of her day. 

Keegan got to meet a lot of other little people at a SuperBowl Party at the Strouth's house.  

Another day in the boppy! 

Hanging out on mom's lap.  

Having a staring contest with Mr. Elephant.  So cute!  He seriously stared at this elephant forever!  

Taking lots of baths.  As I mentioned before, Keegan is a gross boy and earns himself lots of baths!  

Being all handsome in his polo shirt!  

After dad and Sydney get home, Keegan has to hang in the swing while we eat supper.  It usually puts him to sleep!  

Poor Keegan had to suffer through my experimenting with the Moby wrap!  Definitely didn't get this one tight enough!  

More snuggle time with big sister.  

Mom gave him a mow hawk after his bath!  

Monday, February 16, 2015

The Behnkes Meet Keegan

The Behnke family made the trek from Colorado to come and meet Keegan when he was 2 weeks old.  We had a lot of fun while they were here and spent the following week taking naps and catching up on sleep!  We were busy playing and snuggling all week long while they were here.  Not to mention running after all those toddlers...that's a lot of work!!  
Aunt Karen got right to snuggling after they arrived.  

Parker exploring the toys.  

Getting to know his new best friend.  

Loving on Keegan!  So cute!  

Haley meeting Keegan.  Love her smile in this picture!!  

Taking another turn holding Keegan.  

These three kids are trouble!  

You never know what they are going to do next.  

Trying to get a picture of 4 kids under the age of 3 is not very easy.  

This one actually isn't too bad though!  

I like this one! 

Aunt Karen sneaking in some more snuggles.  

A rare moment of laying down and no one holding him.  Trying to sneak in some tummy time!  

Aunt Karen got to give Keegan his first bottle ever while she was here!  He chugged it for her!  

Then dad got to give him another bottle later that night.  

The assembly line bath tub.  

Love these two!  

Another attempt at getting a pic of the 4 little ones.  Both wearing matching shirts!  

C'mon you guys!  

Silly gooses. 

Very interested in what was going on with the Keegs. 

Ladies man!!

Grandma Vickie and all her babies.  

Gotta get grandpa in there too!  

Grandma and grandpa with the Reimer kids.  

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Alumni Track Meet In Vermillion

Last weekend we headed down to Vermillion to watch the alumni track meet in the dome.  Or as Sydney called it "Vermillion's house".  Cute!  

Keegan met Ben and Crystal.  

Sydney and Keegan were dressed by their father on this particular day.  

Sydney LOVED sitting by Crystal to watch the track meet.  

She also liked playing in the long jump pit.  

She was terrified of Charlie the Coyote.  

Getting ready for her big race.  She was pretty nervous!  

She was so proud of herself when she was done running though!