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Monday, March 9, 2015

Keegan's two month checkup

Today was Keegan's two month checkup at the doctors office. He was so happy this morning, totally unaware that he was going to have his shots today. I felt bad making him on making you smile more, but isn't the smile so precious?!

Here is Keagan in the waiting room waiting to be called back for his appointment. He was so sleepy! Look at those chubby cheeks!

He did such a good job for the nurses! He had three shots in his legs and one oral dose of a vaccine. He weighs 13 lbs. 5 oz. and is 22 3/4 inch long. He is in the 86th percentile for weight and 31st percentile for length. He is growing so fast! He didn't do too bad with the shots, he did cry pretty good! He has been snuggled up with mom all afternoon and not eating much. I'm sure tomorrow he will be back to his hungry self! We go back to the doctor again when he is four months old.