Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Keegan is growing up

Keegan's baby days are flying by!  He is growing up so fast!  Slow down time!!

He no longer requires his car seat to ride in a stroller.  Just strap him in and go!  
I LOVE this picture of these two crazy kids.  I feel like they are already laughing at their mom behind my back.  Hopefully they always have this much fun together! 

Keegan has been sleeping without the nap nanny for a couple weeks now!  He is doing pretty good, but still not sleeping through the night.  I think he is getting ready to eat some baby food soon and maybe that will help him. Let's hope!! 

Big guy needs to wear a hat outside...he white little body will burn!  

He found his toes the other day.  Love when babies do that!! 

Speaking of big people food...he is testing out his high chair and seems to be ready!! 

Keegan is officially a roller from his back to his tummy.  He won't roll from his tummy to his back!  I thought that was the easy way?  He is just like his big sister!! 
Keegan and Brian are going to be best buds. They love messing around together.  Keegan loves his daddy! 

So proud of himself sitting on daddy's shoulders!  Big boy!! 

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Amber & AJ's wedding

I thought I would share some pictures from our time spent in Austin, TX for Amber & AJ's wedding. We had so much fun!  The kids traveled so well, and behaved excellently also!  It was a great weekend overall!  

Sydney waiting for a plane at the airport...she was fascinated by them!  

Keegan didn't know what was going on.  

Sitting first class on the airplane.  

Keegan's first airplane ride ever!  So happy about it!  

2nd flight of the day.  First class again.  Sydney liked the pillows and blankets they gave out...and also the sprite!  

Keegan chilling out during his 2nd flight of the day. 

Our first day there...goofing around in the hotel

Of course we had to go to campus.  We stocked up on Texas gear for the entire family and had to take pictures with Bevo!!  

Met up for a delicious lunch of fried chicken with the bride and groom.  

And then after nap we went to the hotel pool while Brian golfed.  Sydney is a fish! 

Enjoying the Embassy Suites happy hour.  

Getting our nails done with the rest of the bridal party.  Sydney sat very still surprisingly!  

Brian finally put his clubs away and came to the hotel pool for some swimming fun!  

Teaching Sydney how to swim

She loved jumping in off the edge....just like every other kid! 

At rehearsal....Keegan chill in with Uncle Brady and cousin Jimmy

and meeting Great Aunt Shelly for the first time. 

Sydney practicing for the big day.  

Of course she was jumping down the stairs.  

Rehearsal dinner at Gueros.  yummy yummy!  

Dancing to the live music.

Dancing with aunt Amber

Riding the bus out to the wedding.  She had so much fun sitting next to Jimmy on the bus! 

Notice how calm the groom is behind her.  

Looking out the window of the bus.  

The dress is on and it is adorable!  

Proud mama

sleepy guy fell asleep during the reception

Messing around after the wedding

Dancing and having lots of fun!  

Keegan pooped out during the dance

The day after the wedding.  Eating at a BBQ place and snuggling with cousin Kim

Kimmy loves Keegan so much!  

more pics from the airport in SF...she had just gotten her backpack and was obsessed!  

Can't wait to get on the airplane and look inside her "pack pack"

This is our plane pulling up....this kind of freaked her out a little bit.  too big! 

Snoozing on the plane

Sydney took a nap too

More swimming!  

Hot tubbing the morning of the wedding.  Getting all relaxed for their big duties.  

photo shoot in front of the pool

Brian and his kiddos

Family pic!  the only one we got! 

Brian getting ready to begin the service

Father Big B!!

Sydney went back to pick up the petals she dropped earlier

Getting all danced out.  

Keegan chill in with Grandma Elaine while the girls got their nails and toenails done. 

Lovin on cousin Kim again!  

Giving mom some good snuggles too!  

Sydney and Jimmy goofing off!