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Sunday, October 23, 2016

Fall Photo Shoot

Sibling Love

maybe a little too tight Sydney!!

hand on the hip with attitude!

How you doing Keegs? 


Our spunky 4 year old

Couple of cute kids here

Keegan is officially done with pictures

Sydney is always ready for a good cheese session

time to mess around

throwing leaves is fun for everyone!!

My precious baby boy!!

Happy Fall y'all!

it is fall.  The time of year that I love to hate.  By the time I get over the fact that summer is actually over and embrace fall it is usually winter.  But it is nice not having to put sunscreen on the kids all the time!   and crockpot meals are super handy to have supper ready when we get home from work.   So there are a few pros,to,fall I guess.

Brian and I took the kids to the hyvee pumpkin patch this afternoon.  They were so excited!  Keegan couldn't get enough of the tractor and Sydney had a hard time picking out the perfect pumpkin to paint.  Another couple that was there with their kids said they tried going to the real pumpkin patch and you couldn't even park.  I hope my kids never learn about that place!!  Here are a few pics from the day

Monday, May 9, 2016

Must be summer!

Summer means Popsicles, sandboxes and golf!  We are loving the warm weather!  

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Keegan 15 month check

Keegan has his 15 month check.  24 pounds 7 ounces and 2 ft 7 inches tall.  Growing like a weed, but not at the top of the percentiles either.  He got 3 shots and sobbed, and Sydney was pretty nervous that she was going to have to get one too!  

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Brian's niece Patricia had a cheer competition in Brookings so we went to cheer her on.  Sydney was captivated! 

Monday, April 11, 2016

Keegan 1 year photos

 We had Keegan's 1 year pictures taken in January.  He was such a little stinker, he didn't want to smile at all!!  so this is the best we could do! 
Those blue eyes though!! 

Such a big boy sitting in that chair.  so proud of himself!

 almost a smile!! 

This is the closest to a smile that we could get.  I am actually holding him in this picture, and Abby had to crop me out, which is why it is so close up!