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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

August Fun and 28 Weeks

Well, summer has flown by in usual fashion but we are trying to make the most of it!  In August we have been super busy spending time with cousins (including new baby Owen!) we enjoyed the Turner County Fair and a weekend at the river. 

Tough crew to wrangle up for a picture!

Spent a lot of time in the grocery store

Mechanic Sydney

artists at work

intimidating the dino

no one is scared of baby dino!

meeting baby Owen finally!!

Sydney and her new cousin

one of the multiple mower rides requested

mani/pedi time!

even for Keegan!

playing some sweet tunes

even got a round of golf in with the kids

such a cool guy

practicing writing her name for preschool

petting all the animals while it rained at the TCF

we outlasted the rain so now time for rides!

I had to pull him off this horse.  he didn't want to leave!

my big girl!

selfie with grandma Vickie on the ferris wheel!

goofing around

tubing with dad on the river

Keegan went faster than Sydney on the tube

so we made Sydney get back on and have a scarier ride.  she loved it!
28 weeks.  70% done, 83 days left!!