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Sunday, November 11, 2012

39 weeks

Here is the 39 week picture....hopefully this is the last one!!!  Maybe next time I update the blog it will be of pictures of a baby!!  Here's hoping!  Brian and I are going stir crazy!  We have been so bored this weekend.  We are definitely ready, the house is clean, the laundry is done, the groceries have been bought! 

Do I look like I've dropped?  Several people have told me this past week that I look lower. 
So ever since I have been able to feel the baby move every night between 9 and 10:30 the baby just goes bananas!  I thought I better capture some of those movements before it was too late! 

If the baby supposedly slows down it's movement before it is born we might be looking at while yet! 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

38 weeks

Here I am at 38 weeks.

Not much new to report.....I go to the Dr on Wednesday and maybe there will be some news then!