Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Misc Pics

Here are some misc pics of Sydney.  

 She LOVES to lay in her crib and watch her mobile.  We don't even try to put her to sleep anymore, we just lay her down and she stares at her mobile until she falls asleep.  Sometimes we hear her in her crib and think she is crying, but when I go in her room she is laughing and talking to her "friends".  There is nothing more adorable!!
 Brian put together her exersaucer....she is a bit too small for it yet but by the look on her face in this picture I think she is going to love it!!

 She also LOVES to sit in her highchair seat.  She will smile and kick her legs...she is so proud of herself for sitting in a big girl chair I think.  It is weird to think that in a couple weeks she will probably be eating cereal in that chair. 
 Sydney might not cry very much, but when she does she puts on a very convincing face.  I tried to get a picture of her pouty lip and this doesn't even come close to giving it justice.  Still breaks my heart to see it though!!
 Big girl sitting in her bumbo chair!
 Zonked out watching her friends in the sky float by. 
Cutie pie!

Sydney's Week with Grandma Vickie

Grandma Vickie was a giant help to Brian and I my first week back at work.  She provided daycare for Sydney so that I could concentrate on getting settled in at work and not having to worry about Sydney too.  I didn't worry about her once, but I sure did miss her!  Knowing she was in excellent care helped ease the pain of going back to work.  
 Sydney and Grandma saying Good Morning to each other.  This was grandma's favorite part of the day!  She likes to watch Sydney stretch and smile when she first woke up. 
 Best girlfriends!!  Sydney sure liked all the time she got to spend with Grandma!
Just an example of the fun things Grandma did during the week!  Sydney had so much fun.  Apparently she wouldn't take her eyes off the tiger....she must have been a little wary of him!

We went out to eat at Red Lobster on Friday night with mom and dad to say thanks!  This is what Sydney looked like when we got home...oops!!  well, she fell asleep so it must not have bothered her too much!!

Thank You Grandma Vickie for all that you do!  We love you!

Road Trip to Visit Cousin Haley

 Getting reacquainted with cousin Haley....Sydney doesn't look so sure about this trip so far!
 Cousin snuggle session!  Look at mommy's artistic touch with this photo :)
 Nap hair!!  so cute!
 Photo session #1.  It went surprisingly well!!
 My little baby girl is so cute!! 
 The mommies and their babies.  only 4 more months and we can add 1 more baby to the picture!!
 Photo session after church.  Not as successful as the day before.
 Cousin Haley is a tomboy....playing ball and wearing a dress! 
 Sydney's first time outside without a coat...it felt like summer!!  Testing out Haley's toys. 
 Having a picnic outside with Grandma Vickie.....had to keep her eyes closed because the sun was too bright!
 Sydney's first trip to the Garden of the Gods.  Again, it was very bright out!
 Had to get a mother/daughter picture...I don't have many of those!!
 Me and two very precious little girls. 
 all cozy in the stroller.  She likes walks!!
 Another stroller ride, courtesy of Haley.  This was more supervised!!  They play so good together already!!
 Haley and her babies playing on the activity mat. 
Me changing Haley's diaper....way different than changing Sydney!! 

Our trip to Colorado was so much fun!!  Sydney was an excellent traveler, she hardly cried in the car the entire trip!  She slept excellent and gave some pretty good snuggles, even to Uncle Neil!  We can't wait to see the Behnke Family again as soon as possible!!

 Sydney on the drive to Colorado....

Still driving to Colorado!

Sharing Haley's wardrobe already!!

Driving home...see how sad she is to leave Haley? 

Saturday, February 9, 2013



playing with toys. 

Sydney LOVES sitting in her high chair.  She smiles and kicks her legs!  Of course never when I have the camera on her though.  She also loves to sit up and stand up.  She is so proud of herself when she stands!!

12 week photo session

Today Sydney is 12 weeks!  Time has flown by!  I did a little photo session with her this afternoon....here are some samples! 

 zoolander...very  mysterious!

tipping over!!
some facial expressions are just too funny not to share!!

 drooly face!
half smile.  i think i managed to capture a few that will work out....i'm definitely not a professional!!