Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Misc Pics

Here are some misc pics of Sydney.  

 She LOVES to lay in her crib and watch her mobile.  We don't even try to put her to sleep anymore, we just lay her down and she stares at her mobile until she falls asleep.  Sometimes we hear her in her crib and think she is crying, but when I go in her room she is laughing and talking to her "friends".  There is nothing more adorable!!
 Brian put together her exersaucer....she is a bit too small for it yet but by the look on her face in this picture I think she is going to love it!!

 She also LOVES to sit in her highchair seat.  She will smile and kick her legs...she is so proud of herself for sitting in a big girl chair I think.  It is weird to think that in a couple weeks she will probably be eating cereal in that chair. 
 Sydney might not cry very much, but when she does she puts on a very convincing face.  I tried to get a picture of her pouty lip and this doesn't even come close to giving it justice.  Still breaks my heart to see it though!!
 Big girl sitting in her bumbo chair!
 Zonked out watching her friends in the sky float by. 
Cutie pie!


  1. Remember the time, before Sydney was born, when I told you this was the baby God wanted you to have? He loves you two so much that He gave you a very good, lovable and adorable baby girl to raise. Praise God for this awesome gift! ~We love to see the love in your eyes when you are with Sydney and the way you tenderly care for her. Sydney has awesome parents!

  2. Love the belly in the bumbo pic! It looks like she is just hanging out.
