Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

My baby is growing up!!

Such a cutie pie face!  I cannot resist her even for a minute!

Cousin cuddles.  I was jealous of Sydney the week the Behnke's were home...she got to spend a lot of time with Karen, Neil and Haley at Grandma's house while mommy had to work :(

 Night time rock-a-byes.

Precious snuggle time with her daddy. 

Helping mommy do laundry.  She is such a good helper!!

 She is such a beautiful little lady!!  I can't believe she is ours!

She likes to watch herself in the mirror....doesn't really know what she is looking at but thinks it is pretty cool anyway!

 Look at that strong neck!!  Won't be long and she'll be rolling over I'm sure!

she loves all toys that make noise...especially this bear that sings songs and lights up.  

She is starting to grab things in her hands.....she likes to grab my hair but she will hold rattles in her hand and shake them around too!  

Staring at her mobile while swinging away!


  1. I love the pic of her laying on her tummy looking at herself in the mirror! I'm glad she is still helpful with laundry. Soon she will just make a mess of all the clothes you just folded;)

  2. That is so neat ,love it !! <3 grandma Bert
