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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sydney's 1st Easter

Today we celebrated our first Easter with Sydney!  She makes all holidays so much more fun, it is so enjoyable to watch her take in all her surroundings!  It is also fun to dress her for special occasions :)

Family picture!  Mom looks the most disheveled....

Sydney with her Easter eggs....

...they go right in the mouth!  

Such a pretty girl!!! 

It's the prettiest Easter bunny I've ever seen!  

Even the Easter bunny has to take baths!  all clean and still rocking the bunny ears!  

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Exersaucer excitement!

Sydney LOVES her exersaucer!  She really started talking while she was playing and we got lots of giggles and squeals out of her during this play session.  

Her feet can (barely) hit the ground!  She was trying to do little jumps/squats.  Another few weeks and she'll be out of control in this thing!  

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Playtime Fun

Sydney is getting so good at playing with her toys and also tummy time!  Tonight we laid her down to play and she had a little play session with her elephant and her easter bunny rabbit.  

Showing her friends how her music maker works.  

See how cool my toys are?  

Do you guys want to play with me? 

Stare down. 

This is a lot of the same picture but it is pretty cute how she plays!  

Weekend In Chamberlain

We were in Chamberlain for the weekend so Brian could help his dad with calving.  Here are some pics I snapped while we were gone.

Sydney LOVED Grandma Mary.  She would just stare at her and smile so big!  It was really cute to watch.  

Having an afternoon nap with Grandma Elaine.  She got some good snuggles that weekend!

 Sydney fell asleep while we were eating dinner.  She wouldn't let go of her toy though!  She is starting to really get into her toys....holding them by herself and chewing on them.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Rolling over

Sydney is getting close to rolling over! She is going against the norm and looks like she will roll from her back to her stomach first.


March has been a slow month for the Reimer family. We spend as much time playing with Sydney as we can after work and on the weekends!

Last weekend we went to Chamberlain to visit Brian's parents.

Sydney was so cute in her carseat! Looking at me with those big blue eyes, I just had to snap a pic!

We also just missed seeing a baby calf born.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Bath time fun!

Sydney still loves her bath time!  She is starting to kick her legs and splash around.  Here are some pictures of her enjoying her bath the other night.  

My baby is growing up!!

Such a cutie pie face!  I cannot resist her even for a minute!

Cousin cuddles.  I was jealous of Sydney the week the Behnke's were home...she got to spend a lot of time with Karen, Neil and Haley at Grandma's house while mommy had to work :(

 Night time rock-a-byes.

Precious snuggle time with her daddy. 

Helping mommy do laundry.  She is such a good helper!!

 She is such a beautiful little lady!!  I can't believe she is ours!

She likes to watch herself in the mirror....doesn't really know what she is looking at but thinks it is pretty cool anyway!

 Look at that strong neck!!  Won't be long and she'll be rolling over I'm sure!

she loves all toys that make noise...especially this bear that sings songs and lights up.  

She is starting to grab things in her hands.....she likes to grab my hair but she will hold rattles in her hand and shake them around too!  

Staring at her mobile while swinging away!