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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Green Beans

Today we tried green beans for the first time with Sydney.  She did not like them!  With carrots, squash, and sweet potatoes she gobbled the whole container down without a protest.  Tonight I could barely get her to eat half a container of green beans.  She would cry and spit them out.  I guess we will have to try again tomorrow!!

I'm not so sure about this mom...

Gross, please don't make me eat any more!

Peek A Boo!!

Sydney LOVES playing peek-a-boo.  If you want to get a smile or a giggle out of her, just hide behind a blankie and that will do the trick!  She is learning how to play all by herself!

Monday, May 13, 2013


We have finally had a couple chances to get Sydney outside!  We have gone for a couple walks in her stroller which she really enjoys.  For Mother's day we went to the Plucker Farm and she got to see their new little baby lambs!

Not quite sure...

Is this OKAunt Kari?

Might as well try to ride one!!  

Tonight after work we took Sydney outside in our backyard.  She would just stare straight down at the grass, probably trying to figure out what felt so funny on her little toes!!  

She was very photogenic tonight, so I took the liberty of snapping a ton of pictures!!  

Sunday, May 5, 2013


Sydney loves to lay in our bed!  In the mornings if she wakes up while we are still getting ready for work she gets to lay in our bed.  I think this pictures is adorable because she looks so tiny!!  

Chow Time!

Sydney is eating baby food now!  We started her on rice cereal and oatmeal and she loves it all!  She had no problem adapting to being fed with a spoon!  What a pro!

We started her on carrots also.  She is quite the messy eater!!