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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sydney's 1 year photos

I wanted to get some pictures of Sydney at age 1.  We took her to JCP studio on Friday night and that was a complete disaster.  Turns out trying to get a 1 year old to stand still for 1 second to get a picture is about impossible.  So Brian and I thought we would try and get a picture on our own.  We took her to the nature park by our house and had much better success.  The key to our success…..we put shoes on Sydney for the first time.  She had no idea what to do and stood completely still!  It was perfect!  Here is a sample of some of the pictures I snapped:

This is fun mom! 

I want to walk but my feet feel weird! 

She poses so nice for photos!! 

Such a pretty girl

She was having a blast! 

One of my favorites!

Little ham! 

So many distractions! 

Daddy, her "stylist" keeping her warm between shots! 


  1. You got some cute ones! I like the one with Sydney and her stylist!!

  2. The pictures are all so cute ~ shoe idea was great! I like the one of her standing with the tall grass behind her. She is adorable
