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Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas at the Reimer Ranch

Christmas at the Reimer Ranch went super fast this year.  We had a lot of fun and the pickup was a little heavier on the drive home!  

Sydney's stocking was full the night we arrived!  

Daddy helping her look inside.  

Socks and bath toys!!  

More stocking goodies on Christmas Eve morn!

a puppy!  

Patricia and Sydney get along so good….Sydney loves following Patricia around!  Those girls gotta stick together! 

Amber and her nieces :) 

Jakey's stocking stuffer slippers were too small for him…but Sydney sure loved them!  

Mommy/Sydney selfie

Papa Steve and Grandma Elaine are getting a new puppy!  The litter came over so they could pick one out.  Sydney wasn't too fond on petting them, but she sure would look at them and laugh! 

Even mommy held a puppy! 

Snuggling with her baby. 

picking on the big boys while they try to play iPad. 

Christmas Eve dinner….lasagna!  yummy

Brian assuming the usual position as bartender…mixing up the Christmas slush! 

Sydney got to open up all her presents first since she had to go to bed….She got a rocking horse! 

And a stuffed Bevo!  Wow!  she is saying

Riding her new horsie

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