Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, January 6, 2014


Sydney got a new sled for Christmas from her mommy and daddy!  Gotta be honest, she wasn't that impressed!  Maybe she was too cold?

All bundled up for the cold. 

Not too impressed by being pulled.  

She sure does look cute though! 

Haley and Grandpa on the 4 wheeler pulling the Plucker Girls

Sydney's turn to ride with Grandpa! 

What a wild group of girls….they could have sledded all day!  

Here they come! 

Mommy's turn to pull Sydney….I look a little dressed up for sledding!

What a cute little sledder!  

Snuggling to stay warm

I wanted Sydney to at least try being pulled by the 4 wheeler

Once again, pretty indifferent about it.  

What was the big deal mom?  


  1. I really think she liked it~ no screaming or tears! What a fun time!

  2. I think she liked it too! She sure looks cute!

  3. Looks like they all had fun !! <3 G Bert
