Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Family Update

I am falling behind on my blogging. I guess that is what happens when you have two kids and are adjusting to going back to work! Here's what we've been up to lately.

If the weather is warm enough we usually stop at the park on our way home from daycare so Sydney can play. She loves the park and begs to stop pretty much every time we drive by.

Keegan woke up early one morning so he ended up in bed with us.  He looks so tiny in our big king!

Keegan usually chills out in our bed after we get home from work while we all change into regular clothes
Keegan is starting to get more into his toys! He is very very drooly these days and likes to suck on everything!

One night last week I was holding Keegan and laid him down for just a second to go run and do something. When I came back this is how I found him. His friends must have tired him out!

Sydney was watching a movie about rabbit at Rona And Joel's house while we were at Bible study. She loved it!
Sleeping like a baby.
Playing toys. Look at all that drool!
Here comes the return of Giraldo
Going to grandma and grandpa's house for the circus. She got to sit in the front seat of the pick up and mom said she was scared when they were driving. Not used to seeing so much!
He is such a happy baby! Thank goodness. Gotta love that smile!

1 comment:

  1. Keegan is looking so big! I love how he just falls asleep on the floor. What an easy going kid!
