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Friday, May 26, 2017

15 weeks

15 weeks is here already.  I think I might have started to feel some flutters this week, but not quite for sure.  Although when I did feel it, it made me very excited.  It also made me remember that I am pregnant.  This whole time, I've been so focused on how crappy I feel that I think I forgot that I am actually pregnant!  This is actually happening! 

Here is the 15 week photo.  I swear to you, my belly is not this big in the mornings.  It slowly lets out throughout the day and at night I look very much pregnant.  It probably doesn't help that I sit at my desk and eat Cheddar and Sour Cream chips ALL DAY LONG.  It makes me very happy, so I do it.  I'm on my 3rd bag in a week and don't even care!! 

The countdown is still on, even though Karen has pointed out that it is too long of a countdown.  172 days left, 39% done with this pregnancy already!  32 days until halfway and the ultrasound! 

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