Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

The End Is Near!

Baby Reimer # 3 can come at any time now!  The end is drawing near and I don't think we've ever been so ready!  My bag has been packed for a looong time with all the essentials....I feel like I've really nailed down everything I need this time around so I'm excited for my hospital stay.  Hopefully I didn't forget anything.  Even Brian's bag has been packed for about a week now, so it must be almost go time!  I just keep waiting for just one painful contraction, but so far they are all just the BH stomach hard as a rock no pain ones.  Let's do this little one!!!

I'm still completely clueless as to if this baby is a boy or a girl, but the past 2 days I have been feeling a girl vibe.  My ankles have been swelling a little which never happened with Keegan, but with Sydney I was very swollen.  I'm very excited to see what it is!! 

35 weeks and making applesauce. 

36.5 weeks and trying to move things along.  I ran 2.5 miles this day and felt so good! 

37 weeks after another run, still nothing!

39 weeks and a freezing cold 1.5 mile run.  This is the point where I give up, if running at 39 weeks won't induce labor, I don't think anything will!! 

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