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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

28 Weeks {3rd trimester}

We have officially entered the 3rd trimester!!  I have been feeling really great through this point and I really hope that trend continues!!  I think this past week the baby has grown and has gotten really strong because the kicking is getting really prominent and I am really starting to feel  actual body parts instead of just tiny kicks and flutters.  It feels so strange yet amazing!!  

Brian and I went to Chicago this past weekend with Jena & Kory and we met Andrea and Jon there.  It was a college roommate reunion!!  We had so much fun together.  We went to a Cubs baseball game and the temperate was HOT!  It felt about the same temp as it was on the 4th of July, and I think I was sweating even worse at the game than at the parade.  The amazing part is that people in Chicago seem to LOVE pregnant women.  At the game I was given a lot of attention and a lot of the stadium staff made it a point to tell me that if I was too hot at any time just to let someone know and I could utilize a special "cooling" room at the stadium.  I didn't use it, but it was nice knowing it was there.  

We did a ton of walking in Chicago.  I have never had such sore feet in my life!  The extra 20 pounds I'm carrying around is really getting to me :)  This was my first experience with swollen feet.  Luckily Brian was a champ and as soon as we got back to the hotel he got me a bag of ice and propped my feet up on some pillows.  30 minutes later the swelling was down and I wasn't grossed out by my feet anymore!!

Here is my "official" 28 week photo taken on Navy Pier with the Chicago skyline in the background. 

Brian and I at "The Bean".  I can't wait to see a movie based in Chicago so I can see the sights again!  We had so much fun in Chicago and definitely not enough time to do it all.  We will have to go back again soon!!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Week 25 | Lots going on

I'd like to say I have been so busy I haven't been able to make time to update the blog.  Well, that's not really true.  Brian has been super busy and I have been super lazy and also super obsessed with watching the Olympics.  Here is what has been happening with us lately:

I went to the Dr for my 24 week appt.  Everything seems to be well, my weight gain is reasonable (I would rather have heard excellent, but I'll take reasonable).  I've gained 15 pounds through 25 weeks.  Can you tell?
Maybe it is all the Pizza Ranch I've been eating? 
We got a pizza after church today and it was DELICIOUS!! 

Belly shot :) 

We also moved into the basement this weekend!  It is so awesome finally having a finished basement and seeing the smiles on Brian's face as he accomplished everything he wanted to.  We still have a few finishing touches left but it is definitely livable for now! 

Brian's man cave is complete!!  He is so happy with the way his surround sound and fireplace turned out.

Bedroom one is ready for visitors!!  Who will be first?

Bedroom two is also ready!!  Come on over!!

Brian discovered a hornets nest under an eave on the back of the house. 

So we sprayed it.  Knocking the nest down is still on the to-do list. 

Here is how lonely our upstairs living room is now.  We can't buy furniture until we close on our re-finance so it's going to look like this until September!

Brian and his dad also got the crib set up this weekend!  It is so exciting that we now have an actual nursery and we can start to decorate!!

Here is the crib set up and the baby's first outfits!!  They are so cute!  Thank you Grandma Vickie!!

And here is what we are doing tonight......I made celebratory smoothies and put them in fun glasses.  We are sipping on these while watching the Olympics tonight!  Go USA!!