Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Good sleeper!

Brian and I took the plunge and decided Sydney needed to start sleeping in her crib and not in her nap nanny (the miracle sleeper!) Believe me, this was a hard decision for me to make because I really enjoy a good chunk of sleep. But of course Sydney surprised us and slept like a baby! She still zonks out immediately after being laid down. The only change I have really noticed is that she wakes up earlier in the mornings, which is fine by me because then I get to play with her in the mornings before I leave for work.  We probably could have made the transition a long time ago but she is my baby and I want her to stay that way!!  Here are some pics.

Sleeping her last couple of nights in the nap nanny. 

So happy to see mommy and daddy in the mornings!  This was a 5:30 AM morning though, so mommy was reluctant to return the smiles.

What's going on Mom?  Where's my recliner? 

I love hanging out in mom and dad's bed while they get ready for work in the mornings! 

Do you guys have to go to work today? 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Champion Eater

We started Sydney on solids this week.  She does great!!  She sucks on the spoon and slurps the rice cereal right down!  

What are you guys going to do to me?  

Open wide! 

Hey, this stuff is pretty good!

All done!

What's a girl gotta do to get some more food around here?


HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!!  Mommy and I love you very much...

You were the first person I met in this world.  You starting taking such good care of me right away!

I love how you can swaddle me up so tight....I preferred you to put me to sleep instead of mommy.  

You are so good at protecting me...I hope you never stop.

I love taking naps with you...

I am so glad that you get to dress me so pretty in the mornings and bring me to daycare...

You are so good at giving me bottles and changing my diapers!  

I love hanging out with you!  

Thank you for making my baths so fun and for keeping me warm!  

My favorite part of the week is Saturday mornings when you let me snuggle in your bed!  

You are the best daddy a girl could ask for....I hope you have a fabulous birthday!  Mommy and I love you!  

Sitting Up

Tonight Sydney and I were just playing on the floor, she was so happy!!  

So we did some tummy time and she was doing so good supporting her upper body.  

I thought, might as well sit her up and see how she does.  

She sat like this for a long time!  She never ended up tipping over, I just laid her back down when she was done playing!  Such a big girl!  There were times I thought she was going to tip but she held herself up.  

Then she decided it was time to play with her toes!  A pretty good night I would say! 

Jump Jump Jump

We put Sydney in her johnny jumper this past weekend.  She didn't quite get the hang of it yet but she is getting there!  She liked to play with the straps and twist in circles.  I'm sure she'll be jumping like crazy very soon.  

Nakey Baby

Sydney LOVES to be naked.  Sometimes if she gets a little fussy (which is pretty rare) I just strip her down to her diaper and she is instantly happy!  

Playing with mama's water bottle.  

right in the mouth! 

Sydney didn't get the silly face memo.  

She is especially happy when she gets to have a bath.  Whenever we go into her bathroom she gets really smiley and she knows what is going to happen next.  

Loving bath time!  

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Growing Up

Sydney is growing up too fast!  I wish I could freeze time or at least slow it down so I could soak in every minute of her life.  Just this past week she has rolled over twice, found her toes, and spun in a circle during tummy time.  Huge milestones people!  :)  She is now doing tummy time for up to 45 minutes at a time.  She no longer complains about it, she loves to scoot back and forth between different toys.  She is laughing a lot more; turns out she is very ticklish under her neck!

She sits so nice in her bumbo chair.  

She still loves her swing.  We dangle longer toys off her mobile so she they hang right in her face...she loves that---it makes her squeal!!  

We are gearing up to start Sydney on rice cereal in the next couple of weeks.  I thought it would be a good idea to get her used to a spoon so I added a couple to her toy selection.  She seem to like sucking on it when I put one in her mouth so I think she will be fine when we add food to it!  

What am I supposed to do with this thing mom?  

I guess I could try to put it in my mouth....

so close!!!  

Cute in Jeans

Sydney has been rockin her jeans this week and she looks so cute.  Technically one pair is jeggings, but  who cares when they are this cute?  I love her little butt!!

She does not appear happy to be wearing jeans....

Don't you just want to squeeze that butt?  I do all the time!