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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Meeting Parker James!

Sydney and I had so much fun travelling to Colorado to meet baby Parker!  We wish we could have stayed longer, but at least we get to see the Behnke family again in a few weeks!  

Waiting for the plane to take off.  Sydney was the best flyer!  Slept the entire flight :)

Going swimming in Haley's pool while Parker was eating. 

Eating puffs and Cheerios!  She also tried some sweet potato fries while we were there! 

Sydney loved playing with Haley's toys!  

We got to have snack time with this beautiful little girl every day!!  

Parker James Behnke.  One of the snuggliest babies ever!  He is so tiny.  Oh yeah, and he peed on me twice!!  

Sydney learned how to sleep on her tummy while we were in Colorado.  That made for a very nervous mama!  Is she breathing?!  

Sleeping in the car on the way home....she is such a great traveller!!

Sydney was so happy to see her daddy again!!  

Selfie with Haley.  She is such a "cutie pie"  You'll have to ask her about it!!  

Playing with her new water table.  

Having fun at the park.  Haley LOVES the park!!  

Haley and Sydney loved going on walks together.  We walked to the park, and walked on some trails by the Behnke house.  

Haley loves to hold baby Parker.  Sydney also liked to give him kisses.  

Sydney was getting reacquainted with her nap nanny.  She forgot how comfy it was!!  

Grandma Vickie and her youngest grandchildren.  This picture was not easy to get!!  

Sydney and Haley

Sydney and Haley are going to be best friends some day!  They got along so well while we were in Colorado visiting!

Their reunion caught on tape.  Haley kept kissing her "Ninney"

Sydney missed Haley so much!!
They played with each other's toys so well!!  

Going swimming!  

Taking a bath together!!  Haley taught Sydney how to swim in the tub! 

Playing at the park together.  

Playing with each other's toys again.  Sydney may have frustrated Haley a few times by stealing Haley's toys.  

Playing ipad together.  

We wish Haley lived closer so we could have more play dates!!  

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Eating Puffs

Sydney is getting to be a pretty good eater!  She still doesn't like green beans or peas, but I don't blame her!!  She LOVES the orange foods:  sweet potatoes, carrots and squash.  If she eats something green it is because we mixed it in with something orange :)  Lately we have been letting her eat more things.  I have let her suck on some pineapple, I gave her some mac & cheese, and lately we have been giving her puffs!

At first she didn't understand the puffs, but when she got the hang of it she went to town!  I put 5 puffs on her tray and when I turn back around they are gone!  and she will whine for more.  so precious!  Giving Sydney puffs is not only entertaining to watch, but it gives me a couple minutes to get some things done in the kitchen....like eat a warm meal!  Everyone wins!


Sydney is getting very close to crawling!  She gets a little closer each day.  One day she was creeping/dragging herself along on the floor, the next day she was on all fours!  Now she gets up on all fours and rocks back and forth on her knees with her head down!  I 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Memorial Weekend in Chamberlain

For memorial day weekend we went to Chamberlain to visit Brian's parents.  It was a weekend of relaxing with her cousins, a little boating, and no naps!!

I love boating!!

Just like a bond girl on the back of the boat!

She also loved the wind in her hair. 

Big girl sitting in her captain's chair.

Family pic

Playing toys on the boat. 

Everyone liked to watch her take a bath. 

Cousin pic...Jakey was napping.  

Yummy yummy!

She was really intrigued by the kids playing games on the ipad. 

She was good at giving Patricia kisses....and she really loved Patricia's hair!


Life around the Reimer house has fallen into a pretty good routine.   Our world still revolves around Sydney, but she is getting easier to take care of and she plays really well by herself.  You can lay her down on a blanket with a bunch of toys and she will keep herself busy!!

She likes her johnny jumper still.  She is figuring out that she can twirl and jump...sometime she goes crazy!  I'm afraid she is going to knock against the door frame and hurt herself sometimes!!

Sydney is still a great eater!  We have introduced her to most of the basic fruits and vegetables and for the most part she gobbles them right down.  sometimes we have issues with the green veggies but she is getting better at eating those.  The other night she was sitting on my lap at supper and kept reaching for my plate, so I let her suck on a piece of my pineapple for a while.  I think it was a little tangy for her, but every time I took it away she wanted it back so...!!  She has started this new thing where she smacks her mouth and I think it is adorable!!