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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Sydney and Haley

Sydney and Haley are going to be best friends some day!  They got along so well while we were in Colorado visiting!

Their reunion caught on tape.  Haley kept kissing her "Ninney"

Sydney missed Haley so much!!
They played with each other's toys so well!!  

Going swimming!  

Taking a bath together!!  Haley taught Sydney how to swim in the tub! 

Playing at the park together.  

Playing with each other's toys again.  Sydney may have frustrated Haley a few times by stealing Haley's toys.  

Playing ipad together.  

We wish Haley lived closer so we could have more play dates!!  


  1. good job on the blog and yeah, I wish they lived closer too!

    Enjoyed the expression on Sydney's face (Sydney missed Haley pic)

  2. Looks like you guys were busy!! Love all the pictures! Haley is reminding me so much of Katelyn these days! I wish they lived closer too.
