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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Memorial Weekend in Chamberlain

For memorial day weekend we went to Chamberlain to visit Brian's parents.  It was a weekend of relaxing with her cousins, a little boating, and no naps!!

I love boating!!

Just like a bond girl on the back of the boat!

She also loved the wind in her hair. 

Big girl sitting in her captain's chair.

Family pic

Playing toys on the boat. 

Everyone liked to watch her take a bath. 

Cousin pic...Jakey was napping.  

Yummy yummy!

She was really intrigued by the kids playing games on the ipad. 

She was good at giving Patricia kisses....and she really loved Patricia's hair!


  1. Looks like you have a little swimsuit model on your hands!

  2. Laura, where is her life jacket???

  3. Great pictures, But am missing seeing a life jacket ?? Love G Bert

  4. Roberta said you can be fined by the game warden is caught without a babyjacket on. She said they have been stopped a couple of times on Bigstone. The adults have to show their life jackets too.
