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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Fun in a diaper box

I bought some diapers this afternoon at Hy-Vee.  after I unloaded the box I put Sydney in to see her reaction.  At first she didn't know what to think but then she LOVED it.  She especially loved to be dragged across the living room and kitchen floors.  I think we will get her a new box every couple weeks!  

Playing with Parker and Haley

Stephen and Vanessa's wedding weekend came and went so fast!  Sydney and I were fortunate enough to be able to spend Thursday afternoon with the Behnke's before we had to go to rehearsal dinner.  Sydney and Haley picked up right where they left off the last time they had seen each other....I hope their relationship is always like that.  
Holding hands at lunch.  

You're my best friend!! 

Sydney couldn't bear to watch Haley take a bath alone, so she crashed Haley's tub. 

I think Haley would have preferred a tamer bath partner.  Sydney loves to splash! 

Splashing together! 

One of my favorite moments from the entire weekend.  I think Parker laid and talked and smiled at me for over 30 minutes.  He is such a happy boy and growing up way too fast!  Sydney and I tried to talk him into staying at grandma Vickie's house but he decided he better go home so his mom and dad didn't get sad.  

Playing in the park

Brian and I took Sydney to the park a week ago.  We live so close and we hadn't been there yet with Sydney!  She loved the slide and of course the swings, but what she loved the best was the tunnel.  She crawled back and forth, back and forth until we made her stop.  We are pretty lucky to live so close!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Bath Time Fun

Sydney is really getting into her baths these days.  When she hears the water running, she races to the bathroom to get in the tub.

Can you hear her heavy breathing?  Very excited to get to the bathroom!!

I love it when she stands next to the tub naked.  I think babies look so cute when they do that!!!

Can I get in now mom?  

She loves to splash and she plays so hard.  But when she is done...she will sign "all done" and that is that!  Getting her to lay still long enough to get dried off and lotioned is a whole different story!!  

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Favorite place

One of Sydney's new favorite places to hang out is in our bedroom closet.  She definitely knows her way around the house!  She will hurry her little butt into the closet and sit in there and laugh.  She likes to hide behind the clothes and play with our shoes.  What a silly girl!  

Monday, September 9, 2013

Brushing teeth

Sydney has 2 teeth now!  We need to get in the habit of brushing them.  Our first attempt was a success!  She let Brian brush her teeth and gums and then of course she had to hold the brush and suck off the remaining toothpaste.  Hopefully she will always be a good brusher!

Monday, September 2, 2013


Sydney is getting pretty brave with her standing and walking skills.  If she is distracted she will stand up on her own until she realizes that she is doing it.  Then she gets scared and sits down.  She also scooches along furniture and the fridge and cabinets in the kitchen.  I'm afraid to say it but I think she will be walking on her own before long!


Current Happenings

Sydney is growing up too fast!!  She is cruising around super fast.  A few of her favorite things are pulling all the magnets off the fridge, standing over the AC vents while the cool air blows out, standing in the fridge when Brian or I open the door, and climbing the stairs.  She also loves to dance!

She loves the magnets with the pictures of babies!  

Dancing on the vents.  

A Trip to the Zoo

We took Sydney on her first trip to the zoo!  She seemed to be the most interested in the kangaroos when they were jumping, and she liked watching the monkeys.

  A Couple of monkeys at the zoo!  

More monkeys!

Watching the duckies swim.

The giraffe was eating leaves.  

Fun times at the zoo!!


Sydney is really into giving kisses.  She kisses all her stuffed animals!  If you are lucky enough, she will even lean in for a very wet, sloppy kiss when you are holding her!  It is my favorite thing ever!!

More kisses for her bunny....currently her favorite toy.  
