Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, September 16, 2013

Bath Time Fun

Sydney is really getting into her baths these days.  When she hears the water running, she races to the bathroom to get in the tub.

Can you hear her heavy breathing?  Very excited to get to the bathroom!!

I love it when she stands next to the tub naked.  I think babies look so cute when they do that!!!

Can I get in now mom?  

She loves to splash and she plays so hard.  But when she is done...she will sign "all done" and that is that!  Getting her to lay still long enough to get dried off and lotioned is a whole different story!!  


  1. That is awesome how she practically sprints to the tub and wants to jump in!

  2. I love the noise she makes,as if she is saying ~ ah , all right!
