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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Playing with Parker and Haley

Stephen and Vanessa's wedding weekend came and went so fast!  Sydney and I were fortunate enough to be able to spend Thursday afternoon with the Behnke's before we had to go to rehearsal dinner.  Sydney and Haley picked up right where they left off the last time they had seen each other....I hope their relationship is always like that.  
Holding hands at lunch.  

You're my best friend!! 

Sydney couldn't bear to watch Haley take a bath alone, so she crashed Haley's tub. 

I think Haley would have preferred a tamer bath partner.  Sydney loves to splash! 

Splashing together! 

One of my favorite moments from the entire weekend.  I think Parker laid and talked and smiled at me for over 30 minutes.  He is such a happy boy and growing up way too fast!  Sydney and I tried to talk him into staying at grandma Vickie's house but he decided he better go home so his mom and dad didn't get sad.  


  1. Laura, you put up some awesome pics/videos on this blog! Love your comments and some pictures just made me laugh! Such sweet times

  2. Sweet times indeed! I think all three of these kids are going to be great friends!! Can't wait to see you again!
