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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Throwin' It Back Thursday.....Children's Museum Summer 2014

Since I am super late on posting this pics, I will do a TBT post!  Works for me!  Earlier this summer we took the opportunity to go to the Brookings Children's Museum with cousins and it was a blast!  My favorite parts were the grocery store and the dinosaur.  I think the kids loved it all!  After we left the museum it took Sydney about 10 seconds to fall asleep in the car...success!!  Sorry for all the pics, but they are all so cute! 
Sydney and Haley loved grocery shopping! 


Pretty sure Sydney was putting stuff in others people's carts...oh well! 



Time to check out!


Emily and Josephine were such good helpers!

Whatcha got there Parker?  I like potatoes too!

Josephine acting as Sydney's shopping assistant.

Time out for a news break :)

Then a snack at the diner.  I love this little apron on her!

The water room was also a huge success!  Never mind the fact that the younger kids got a teench wet :)

Sydney meeting her cousin Ethan for the first time.

Giant Lite Brite...awesome!



I think this might have been one of Sydney's favorite parts.  Looking back now, I realize that she is really into coloring and crafting and has been for some time.  Once again, that apron!!

Haley creating a masterpiece!



Get this apron off of me mom!



Parker did such a good job at the museum, he kept up with all the big kids!

Haley and Karen climbed way up high!

It took some talking to get Haley off this saddle.  I think she needs her mom and dad to buy her a real horse!


the DINO!  Sydney loved hearing this guy roar! 

Digging for dino bones.


Such a big girl at the museum!


What a fun day!



Went back to the grocery store to pick up a few more things before we headed home :)


What a group!  They had such a fun time!


Ended off the day with ring pops and a softball game :) 

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