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Thursday, September 25, 2014

24 weeks and ultrasound

24 weeks pregnant.  starting to get bigger.  starting to sleep with a lot of pillows around me.  Brian is over that already!  We have 111 days until my due date.  We are 60% done with this pregnancy.  My next appt is the glucose screening...can't wait! 

Here is a picture of Baby R's second ultrasound.  The doctors could find no trace of a VSD so that is excellent news.  No holes for this baby!  They tried to get a good look at the baby's face and profile but it kept either putting it's hands up by it's face or turning it's face away.  I think it has Brian's features...but we will see!   We did get to see it yawn twice...so tired!  I said it must be tired because his/her sister kept him/her up for 2 hours last night!  First Sydney pooped her pants at 11:30 and then I think she must be having some teething issues because finally at 1:30 I gave her some ibprofren and she slept the rest of the night.  maybe her 2 year molars will bust through really fast and then we have have a break from teething before we start all over again! 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

23 weeks

23 weeks today.  one more week until ultrasound #2.  Not much else has changed in the Reimer world.  Just going to work/daycare.  That's ok because we have a lot of changes coming our way.  Sydney is receiving a lot of goodies in the mail the week...big girl bedding, panties, bathroom stools and potty seats!  We will have to do a post on her reaction to all the changes.  Hopefully on the agenda is painting her basement room and decorating it to make it awesome!  She is back to sleeping through the night so hopefully she does that in her big girl bed still! 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Weeks 21 and 22

The last few weeks have been such a whirlwind that I didn't get around to updating the blog.  it is a miracle that I am remembering to take weekly pictures, I think I am better with baby #2 than I was with Sydney! 

21 weeks

22 weeks

Here is Sydney at 22 months.  notice the bags under her eyes...she has decided that she only wants to sleep at night if I am holding her.  Last night I was trying the cry it out method to sleep train her and she cried for an hour and a half before Brian couldn't take it anymore and had to go in there to calm her down.  We'll see how tonight goes!