Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Keegan Isaiah is here!!

On Thursday, January 8th, Keegan Isaiah Reimer came into this world and blessed us with his presence!  Our world is totally different with him in it but we can't imagine life without him.  He is a very healthy and happy baby boy!  

Thursday morning before we left for the hospital.  This is in between contractions, I'm surprised I managed a smile!  Sydney didn't have a clue what was going on, she was actually being a slow poke that morning and was very hard to get out the door when we were in a hurry to get to the hospital!  

I got this picture of Sydney from daycare while I was in labor.  They decided to give her a pedicure!  They sure know how to make a girl feel special on an important day!  
First picture with my baby boy!  

Love him so much!  
It's definitely a boy!!  

getting ready to get weighed in....7 pounds 12 ounces.  According to the nurses, he was HUGE! 

He looks very filled out in this picture, but he was very much a snuggly newborn!  

Grandma and Grandpa came about half an hour after he was born to meet him and to introduce him to his sister!  

Sydney meeting Keegan for the first time.  

I think she likes him!  

Meeting Grandpa Kent. 

Sydney holding her little brother.  So precious!! 

We headed up to our room and Brian did some skin to skin time with Keegan.  We had no visitors because of the weather so we had lots of time for snuggles!!  

In the nursery, getting ready for his first bath.  

Just chilling under the warmers....so content.  

Getting weighed in again.  Same weight a few hours after he was born.  

Getting ready for his bath, he had just been removed from under the warmers and he didn't like it!! 

Bath Time!  

This little guy doesn't really appreciate baths that much yet.  :) 

He does appreciate having his hair washed though.  His hair appeared to be curly at first but now it is proving to be straight.  

Curly hair, before bath.  

All spiffy after his bath.  

Missy was the only one able to visit us in the hospital that day!  

Brian changing Keegan's first poopy diaper....the tar is so messy!  I like Brian's face in this pic.  

My big girl came to visit the next day.  She is huge!  

Her favorite phrase:  "I wanna hold him"

Of course he needs grandma's snuggles!  

Angie Strouth was able to sneak away from work to visit us!  

And the Temme's came too!  

Family of 4 now.  

so happy!  

Grandpa Kent having a heart to heart with Keegan.  

Mommy got him undressed to wake him up to eat...he was so sleepy!

getting all warm again.

Just waiting to be discharged.

Yay!  Heading home!  doesn't like getting strapped in either :) 

Finally home and ready for lots of snuggles!  

Sydney likes to give him hugs and kisses.  

picture with grandma and grandpa.  

First day at home....checking out the nap nanny.  Sydney gave him his toy puppy for comfort!  

Getting him readjusted to her liking.  

Hanging out in his bed.  

Bedtime snuggles with his big sister!  

drowning in his jammies...might have to wait a couple weeks to have him wear those again!  

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Christmas with the Pluckers

Christmas with the Plucker family started with Grandma Mari's side on the Monday before Christmas.  Sydney got a super cute new outfit from Great Grandma Mari....skinny jeans!  

Christmas morning at Grandma Vickie's house....Sydney and Parker busted playing with Grandma's pretties!  

Family Christmas picture for 2014.  Also my 37 week picture since I forgot to take one :)  

sure wish Brian and I would have looked at the camera.  

Opening her stocking....a mini elmo!  Instant love.  

bubble bath

and jewelry.  the key to a little girls heart.  

a pro at opening presents now....

An Anna dress, shoes and Elsa wand!  Sydney loves to dress up as Anna and she is so adorable in the dress!  

she was dying to open this big present all morning!  

A trampoline!  Put it together daddy!!  

It's princess Anna! 

We have an Elsa and an Anna!  It couldn't have worked out better than they each love one character!  

So excited to get the trampoline put together.  

C'mon Parker, lets help my dad put this together!  

Got right to jumping.  

Jumping with cousin Haley.  I like how Sydney will twist her butt around and jump.  so girly!  

Uncle Jesse with his cheese head gift.  Don't waste that cheese!  

This is one of my favorite pictures of Christmas.  I only wish I could have been there in person.  Rancher Neil getting ready to move cows.  

Sydney is old enough to play the dice game at Grandma Bert's Christmas now!  She had fun rolling for doubles!  

Rolling the dice.  

Opening her gift from Camden. 

Having a tea party with her cousins after Christmas.  

Waiting for grandma to bring more "tea" and "crumpets"  

We went bowling before Christmas, but I thought I would throw some of those pictures on the blog as well.  Sydney loved to bowl!  

She really liked to push the ball down the ramp.  

And then stand and watch it go down the lane. 

Haley offering some encouragement.  These two collectively bowled a 93....pretty impressive!