Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 3, 2015


Christmsa flew by this year!  probably because it was so close to Thanksgiving and we were so busy! We decorated for Christmas as soon as Thanksgiving was over and Sydney LOVED helping!  She liked all the glittery decorations and the snowmen.  

"Helping" with the ribbon.

Mom, I'm helping!  

Also "helping" getting all the ornaments out.  

She really liked hanging out under the tree.  


"Helping" putting the ribbon on the tree.  She is such a good helper!!  

A Christmas streaker! 

Why not hang out under the tree naked?  Seems logical to me.  

this was taken at Thanksgiving, but it was at the Western Mall Christmas light show and the 3 kids were running around and being cute.  

Time for Christmas presents with mom and dad!  

Sydney got Anna and Elsa stickers in her stocking.  

And fruit snacks.  

She knew exactly what present was hers under the tree.  The biggest one!  

Ripping the paper off. 

"helping" brian put the easel together.  

Opening all the accessories for the easel.  

Let's get started with my masterpieces!  Her favorite part about the easel is actually making someone else draw something and then she erases it before you can finish.  She thinks it's hilarious!  

Marker board on the other side.  

Helping Brian open his stocking.  

Sydney got Brian new basketball shoes for Christmas.  

Taking a break from present opening.  

Helping mom open her present.  

Mommy gets a cleaning lady!  Best present ever!!

Drawing some more.  Sydney was running around and got hot so she had to lose her sweater.  

Erasing away my masterpiece!  

Over Christmas we went to church at Germantown. Brian let Sydney drive home.  She was all over the road and pretty sure the blinkers were on and the radio was blaring.  She needs a little more training behind the wheel for sure!  

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