Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


We celebrated Sydney's birthday at Red Lobster.  The girl loves shrimp!  Needless to say, she woke up in the middle of the night with a tummy ache "because I ate too much supper mommy"  she LOVES being 3!!! 

The kids with Brian and the buck he shot last weekend.  Keegan was very interested! 
Sydney is fascinated with this crazy sand.  Pretty much every night after super she begs to play with it! 
Keegan being a typical boy at supper time.  He is learning sign language for "all done" and "more".  He will play patty cake and also will oblige randomly at "so big"! 
We went and visited the Oberle twins before Thanksgiving.  Sydney was interested inThe babies at first and then quickly lost interest.  Keegan wanted to poke their faces all the time so he had to be diverted away right away!  
Which meant I got to snuggle both babies to myself for over an hour!!  So precious!  Hard to believe my babies were that small not that long ago too.  
Group shot of all the kiddos!  Easier said than done!!! 

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