Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Thanksgiving weekend

Thanksgiving weekend was a lot of fun!  We started out by visiting Brian's friends that had twins, then we dropped the kids off at grandma and grandpa's house and Brian and I went to dinner and a movie!  The next morning we even got to hit the gym!  It was amazing!  Then we headed out to the farm for some amazing food!  
Keegan thoroughly enjoyed his turkey day meal.  He cleared his tray and then some!  He even saved room for cheesecake! 
Sydney also enjoyed thanksgiving! She mostly enjoyed playing with her cousins. 
Keegan was so excited to wake up on Black Friday!  This is how excited he gets every morning when someone goes to get him out of his crib.  So cute! 

Playing toys, he is so good at playing by himself! 
Playing with Sydney's Barbie car.  How he knew to push it along the floor is beyond me! 

Sydney loves to go outside and play in the snow while Brian scoops.  She basically just runs around and squeals. 
We tried a new formula with Keegan and within an hour he puked 4 times.  So we threw that away and he got a bath!  What a stud! 

Keegan was struggling watching his dad and sister have so much fun in the snow while he was stuck inside with his boring mom! 
Saturday morning...he just couldn't wait any longer to start decorating for Christmas! 
Gotta get fueled up first!  Sydney made us French toast for breakfast. 
We are starting to brush Keegan's teeth now.  He is working on tooth #4 now! 

Sydney does not like it when I brush her hair.  This is her crying and glaring at me! 
This is the only picture I got of us decorating.  Once we got all the decor out, we had to be in full alert for things going in Keegan's mouth or Sydney breaking them! 
The end result!  A beautiful tree with two beautiful little elves. 

I had to share this picture of Sydney snuggling her baby while watching a movie.  Lately she is such a little mommy to that baby! 
Sunday we were cooped up and stuck of being inside all weekend.  So we bundled up and went for a walk! Keegan couldn't really move but I think they still
Enjoyed it! 
We have window clings on the patio door. Keegan LOVES them.  He likes to rip them apart and put them in his mouth.  Still too young! 
This is Sydney guarding Keegan from the window clings. Maybe next year buddy! 


  1. Is Keegan waving at them from the window? So sweet.

  2. Love the blog. I didn't think I knew anyone who doesn't like crackers n frosting! Laura now you know why you always had short hair- Sydney's just like her mommy!
