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Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Crazy kids

These crazy Reimer kids!  Here are some shenanigans that have been happening at our house lately:  

Crackers with frosting in them for dessert.  Of course only the frosting is eaten!  A crowd favorite for everyone except Brian, who will never understand the deliciousness. 
Keegan and the Hyvee horse.  We thought he would like it.  
He wasn't too sure about it.  
Can I be done now mom? 
Actually, I hate this thing!  Get me off!  

Last night I was cooking supper and I heard Keegan fuss a little.  He had sat down in a pot and couldn't get out!  
And then a few minutes later he got stuck in the laundry basket!  Will he ever learn?! 
After squirming around a bit he got free.  

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