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Monday, January 11, 2016


Back in November I hurt my left thumb.  It got really swollen like the picture below.  I ended up needing to have surgery on it to remove a chunk of cartilage.  Turns out, my thumb was infected so it was a good thing I opted to have the surgery.  

This is what my thumb looked like after surgery.  I didn't think it would ever look the same!  the big worm like thing was my incision, and it took 6 stitches to piece it back together.

This is what my thumb looks like 5 weeks after surgery.  The incision is still raised up, but not nearly as far.  The scar hurts so bad!  I think it is just because it is brand new skin.  Whenever it touches hot or cold water it burns so bad.  It also turns purple when i go outside in the cold.  I still can't straighten my thumb all the way because the scar makes my skin too tight, and I have some nerve damage which makes the tip and the side of my thumb feel like it is asleep.  The dr said he thought that would go away after time.  I hope so!  I still don't use my thumb as much as I should, I have really gotten in the habit of not using it.  I think eventually everything will go back to 100% normal, I would say right now I'm at 60%.  I'm still glad I had the surgery, I don't want to know what would have happened if I would have left that infection in my thumb for too long!

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