Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 6, 2017


We are 131 days away from meeting Baby R #3!  Third time must really be the charm, because we had an excellent ultrasound this time around.  The tech just kept telling us how awesome the baby looked.  It was weird and amazing!  not having a doctor come in after the scan was over to talk to us about something! 

So here is baby.  It was laying face down and no matter how hard we tried to get it to roll over it wouldn't.  So we didn't get very many good pictures.  I think this baby looks like Brian (again!) and Brian thinks it is a boy.  So we'll see!! 

20 weeks pregnant and attempting a zumba class.  only had to leave twice to go to the bathroom!

21 weeks

1 comment:

  1. Halfway! Woo-hoo! You are looking great! And the baby looks great too!
