Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, July 14, 2017

Summer! and 22 weeks

Well, summer is in full swing at our house which means we are living in our swimming suits and going to bed late!  which also means mornings are TERRIBLE at getting everyone up and going. 

Keegan got his face painted at a sand volleyball tournament last weekend and was so proud to be a tiger! 

Sydney tries every trick in the book to get us to let her sleep in the living room.  Her only success is when she wakes up in the middle of the night and asks, then I will do anything for her just to go back to sleep so I can!!  This is how I found her one morning.  How is this more comfortable than sleeping in your own bed in a dark cool room?  I'll never understand. 

With all the swimming that has been happening at our house Sydney's hair has been a disaster!  we have frequent argument about wearing ponytails, brushing it twice daily (and crying!) I finally told her she needed to cut it and she was totally on board!  She told the stylist at the salon that she wanted it just like her moms and she is soo happy with how it turned out.  She volunteers to have her hair brushed now so that is a win in my book!  I told Sydney her hair reminded me of Rapunzel after she got hers cut with the way it flips out at the bottoms.  She is so cute!!

This week puts me at 22 weeks and 56% done with baby #3.  You can feel the baby kicking and sometimes even see it if you are patient enough! 

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