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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

12 weeks / A visit to the Doctor

Last week of the first trimester!!!  I could not be more excited.  Already I can tell that the pregnancy is progressing.....I can stay up until 10 pm, I don't feel like puking every day, and I can eat small portions of meat again!  Things are definitely looking up!

I had a dr appt earlier this week and Brian came along.

 We got to hear a heartbeat!!  The dr found the heartbeat right away but lost it once or twice because the baby was moving around a lot.  Brian and I both had HUGE smiles on our faces.  I think hearing the heartbeat makes this pregnancy feel so much more real.  I was worried that there wouldn't be a baby in there so now we are smooth sailing!!  Brian took a sound recording and I listen to it all the time!!


  1. Just wait until you can see the baby on your ultrasound! That is awesome!

  2. Dad and I are so excited for you two! I only had one ultrasound and that was for you Laura!!
