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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Week 10

WEEK 10!!

Brian and I are coming to realize that pregnancy brain is a real thing and it is happening to me!  Just when I thought I was blonde enough it starts to get worse ;)  Just a few examples of my pregnancy oops’s:

1.        Brian asked me to pick him up a 6-pack of Corona when I went grocery shopping.  No problem!  Came home with a 6-pack of mini coronas for him to sip on :)  I didn’t even notice they were 7 oz tinies!!  

2.       For Brian’s birthday I bought him the Transformers 3 Blu-Ray…..3D edition.  Once again, didn’t even notice the labeling on the package.  We do not have a 3D capable TV.  Returned that one!!  That was probably just my blonde self....but I'm blaming pregnancy. 
3.       The other night we stopped at a gas station and I was driving.  I accidentally had a little curb check action when we were leaving the gas station.  Brian turned around to look and told me…..there was no exit there…..I had just totally driven over the curb to get back on 12th street.  Oops!!  

1 comment:

  1. You can blame a lot on your pregnancy! Don't let up! I also admire women who can't do much bcause of the baby so the husbands pick up the slack! Didn't work for me but maybe for you?!
