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Saturday, April 14, 2012

A St. Patty's Day Surprise!

Welcome to the Reimer Family Blog!  I am using this blog as an outlet (for now) to talk about secrets that Brian is not letting me tell!!

So….Brian and I were pleasantly surprised on St Patrick’s morn with some positive test results!  I slept in as long as I could and only made it until 6:48 AM.  Anyone who knows me knows that is way early for me, especially for a Saturday.  I guess I was a little excited to see these results.   The test instantly showed positive and I crawled back into bed.  I didn’t want to wake Brian so I just laid there in silence….no way I was falling back asleep after that!!  About 20 seconds later, Brian rolled over and asked if I took the test.  I said “yup, I was right”.   And we were both up for the day.  

Right now I am 5 weeks along so definitely way too early to be telling people.  I like having a secret, but I am pumped for the day we can tell our family and friends the good news.  I’m hoping to make it to 12 weeks before we spill the beans.  The next 7 weeks are going to drag on!! 

So far I feel totally normal and the reality hasn’t settled in yet.  I have a really weird taste in my mouth all the time and heartburn from time to time but other than that no symptoms.  I am already missing my diet cokes!!!  I am trying to become reacquainted with water but it’s hard :( 

1 comment:

  1. Good job keeping the secret! Secrets like this are meant to share with the whole world! We are so excited for this new grandbaby. We love you and are so happy for you both!
