Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Week 6

This marks week six!  Such a long way to go :) 

Up to this point I feel everything is going very well.  I don’t go to the dr for another 2 weeks so I’m anxiously awaiting that appt.    I feel tired pretty much all day long and feel a little iffy in the mornings until I eat something.   I actually feel better every time I eat so I guess I’m just going to have to eat all day long!!   I’m still missing my diet cokes very much.  I’m trying not to drink any caffeine but I usually have to crack a pop open and sip on it throughout the day.  A co-worker of mine the other day noticed that I have been drinking water more frequently and made a comment that I must be getting ready to start trying for kids.  I just told her I was trying to cut back on my caffeine intake.  Can’t wait to stop tiptoeing around people at work anymore.  I think honestly co-workers are the hardest to hide secrets from because you are with them all day long!  6 weeks to go until we can spread the word!   I’m praying for patience :)

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