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Saturday, April 14, 2012

Week 8

Week 8 is here and almost gone….yay!!  I am super anxious for week 11 or 12 when hopefully the nausea is gone and maybe I can do something other than sleep!  Brian has been sooo understanding, he is a real trooper.  He doesn’t even complain when I can’t cook supper (because I’m having aversions to meat right now)!  The poor guy pretty much hangs out by himself everything night!  Pretty much when I get home from the gym and try to find something to eat (that won’t make me feel sick) I head straight to bed.  He has been busy working on the basement so that keeps him occupied….we are going to need that space pretty soon!  One exciting piece of news, I went to the dr and found out my official due date is November 19th!  Hopefully we’ll have a little turkey for Thanksgiving!!

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