Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Week 18

Here are some pictures of week 18.  Brian and I were in Chamberlain this past weekend to go boating on the river.  It was so hot!!  I've never been one to complain about the heat, and believe me, I'm still not complaining.  BUT....I did notice that it was HOT out and before it never really phased me.  Brian and I went for a walk on Sunday morning when it was about 85 degrees for about a mile and when we were done I was drained!!  I've never experienced being too warm in the summer I don't think!!   Good thing for the wind to keep me cool :) I'm also very grateful for the McDonald's dollar menu ice cream cones....that could become a very nasty habit for me this summer!!

Here is a picture before we went out on the boat Sunday afternoon.  Belly's getting nice and big!!

Straight up belly shot.  I feel like people can tell I'm pregnant now and not just fat :)  I was a little disappointed last week because I had a pair of shorts last summer that were HUGE on me.  I went to put them on for golf league and they wouldn't even zip :(  I guess I am getting bigger than I thought.  Time to go SHOPPING!!!  

Sunday, June 10, 2012

17 weeks

We've hit the week 17 mark.  Not a lot of changes happened this week.  We went to the doctor and heard the heart beat again.  It was all over the charts ranging from 150-160 and the doctor said that was actually a really good sign that the baby was healthy and active.  We could hear the "woosh" of the baby flailing around in there.  I still feel like I can feel movement but am only like 90% sure that it is the baby and not just gas  bubbles!  Clothing is becoming more of an issue.  This last week I wore a dress every day to work and was very comfortable so I am hoping to make those dresses last all summer long.  They are so much more comfortable than pants!! 

We are still charging ahead with the basement.  On order this week is trim/doors, carpet and vinyl.  I am starting to get anxious to have the basement done so we can start organizing the nursery.  Just a little more patience!!

Here is a picture of me in Pierre this weekend by the river.  We were in Pierre for Jeff Hegge and Stacy Huss' wedding.  I had quite a few people ask to touch my belly throughout the night....it is already starting!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

16 Weeks

We have reached the 16 week milestone!  In my recent readings I have discovered that the baby can now hear what we are saying, so we have definitely been talking to it!  It feels kind of silly but we don't really care.  I told Brian we need to start being louder so that when the baby comes it can sleep through anything!!  Hopefully that is true :)

Here is a picture at 16 weeks.....I think I look huge!!  I am having a "big" day today I feel like. Some days I look really pregnant, other days I look totally normal.  

This past week I have also been thinking that I have been feeling some movements in my belly but I cannot confirm 100% that it was actually the baby.  I am looking forward to Wednesday for my next doctor appointment!