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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

32 Weeks

32 weeks!!!  approximately 55 days until my due date.  It is sneaking up on me but ever so slowly (if that is possible!)  This past week Brian and I got to take a tour of the hospital and see where all the fun stuff is going to go down.  I loved it!  We saw where we go to check in when I go into labor, where I will pace the hallways, and where I will actually deliver.  We got to ask some questions and just take in the atmosphere....makes us both excited and maybe a little antsy.  It won't be long until we are back in that place!!

I had a dr appt today and am measuring at exactly 32 weeks...right on schedule!  The dr confirmed that the baby's head is down so that is good news...hopefully it stays put now!  Heart beat was between 151-155.  

Here is my 32 week picture.  I feel that I have pretty much exploded this past week.  My comfy t-shirts are starting to not cover the whole belly anymore, I never really saw that coming for some reason.  It is getting harder and harder to find gym clothes that fit and most people ask if I am going to have the baby any day now. 

 I am starting to get the black line on my stomach, leading all the way up above the belly button.  Kind of hard to see in this pic. 

Just in case you thought this wasn't very big, here is a reminder of what I used to look like: 

This weekend we went to Minneapolis to watch the Vikings beat the 49ers with our usual group. 

It was the baby's first Vikings game!!  It was definitely loud in the metrodome and the baby was feeling it! 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

31 weeks

9 weeks left people!!  we are down to less than 2 hands....love it! 

Here is our excitement from the past week:

The crib bedding arrived!!  I have never been so excited to do laundry in my life :)  I got the bedding washed and put together right away Saturday morning. 

Car seat arrived!!  Not installed but ready and waiting in the nursery.  I bought a canopy cover for the carseat a while back and it matches perfectly!  Baby R is going to look so cute in his/her car seat!! 

Brian has been busy too.  He is working on building a huge shelving unit in the garage for us to put totes etc on.  He has also been busy staining the doors and drawers that go on our bathroom vanity.  All we have left is to plumb in the sink and buy a mirror.  Once the mirror is in our electrician will come back and install the final lights above the vanity.  so close!! 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

30 Weeks!

10 weeks to go!  Definitely getting more and more excited to see the face of this squirrely baby!  The kicks are getting more powerful and the limbs are beginning to poke out of my stomach!!  Most of the time I enjoy feeling and watching the babys kicks, but sometimes (when I'm trying to sleep) I try to tell it to settle down ;)  

We are trying to get more ready for the baby's arrival.  The car seat and the crib bedding should be arriving in the mail soon, and then we can breathe easy.  We will be able to bring the baby home and it will have a place to sleep.  Those are the important things that I needed to get off my chest.  I can't wait to get the bedding put in the crib!!  I told Brian we are going to swaddle a doll and lay it in the crib until Baby R arrives!  

The basement is still trucking along.  We have the bathroom vanity and linen closet, just need to get it all installed.  Can't wait for this to be done either.  Hopefully my next blog will contain pictures of a finished bathroom and a finished crib.