Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, September 15, 2012

31 weeks

9 weeks left people!!  we are down to less than 2 hands....love it! 

Here is our excitement from the past week:

The crib bedding arrived!!  I have never been so excited to do laundry in my life :)  I got the bedding washed and put together right away Saturday morning. 

Car seat arrived!!  Not installed but ready and waiting in the nursery.  I bought a canopy cover for the carseat a while back and it matches perfectly!  Baby R is going to look so cute in his/her car seat!! 

Brian has been busy too.  He is working on building a huge shelving unit in the garage for us to put totes etc on.  He has also been busy staining the doors and drawers that go on our bathroom vanity.  All we have left is to plumb in the sink and buy a mirror.  Once the mirror is in our electrician will come back and install the final lights above the vanity.  so close!! 


  1. Looks like the bathroom is going to be pretty sweet!

  2. YAY! We are certainly getting excited in this household! Can't wait to snuggle that little one!!

  3. You seem to be doing a little "nesting"...and Brian is too looks like!! Lots of fun changes!

  4. Love the bedding and the carseat!! I want to see the little doll you are going to swaddle and put in the crib! Who is your electrician?? Dad?

  5. Everything is coming together pretty nicely! Can't wait for baby R's arrival! Then you can just relax and have lots of cuddle time!
