Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 9, 2012

30 Weeks!

10 weeks to go!  Definitely getting more and more excited to see the face of this squirrely baby!  The kicks are getting more powerful and the limbs are beginning to poke out of my stomach!!  Most of the time I enjoy feeling and watching the babys kicks, but sometimes (when I'm trying to sleep) I try to tell it to settle down ;)  

We are trying to get more ready for the baby's arrival.  The car seat and the crib bedding should be arriving in the mail soon, and then we can breathe easy.  We will be able to bring the baby home and it will have a place to sleep.  Those are the important things that I needed to get off my chest.  I can't wait to get the bedding put in the crib!!  I told Brian we are going to swaddle a doll and lay it in the crib until Baby R arrives!  

The basement is still trucking along.  We have the bathroom vanity and linen closet, just need to get it all installed.  Can't wait for this to be done either.  Hopefully my next blog will contain pictures of a finished bathroom and a finished crib.  


  1. Can't wait to see the finished bathroom! 10 weeks could fly by...especially when that could really be 7 or 8 weeks!

  2. Yeah the bathroom is going to get done soon!!! I wanted to stop by after golf last night but Dad was tired and wanted to stop at Campbells. We are so excited for Baby R. I even listed him/her on the wedding guest list!!! I see you have blinds up too. Laura you are going to be such a good mommy ~ relax and enjoy these last few weeks.
